Goals For Next Year Of Blogging
Ever since I started middle school, I've been blogging. (Granted it was a game blog for a game I was addicted to.) Throughout those 4-5 years that the blog was active, I found joy in blogging. However, as time past by, I stopped playing sed game and of course, stopped blogging. I started this blog to fulfill that desire to blog though I didn't where it would lead me. It's been a year since I started and I'm amazed how far I went and how far I still need to go. This post is dedicated to just that.
How have you grown as a blogger over the past year?
When I started this blog, I didn't know what this blog would be about.
A year ago, I was lost having no idea where this blog would take me. I threw a dice and I ended up in beauty. This blog serves as my growth into the beauty community and has helped me learned so much. I probably wouldn't know what AHA or BHA is if I didn't make a post 'bout it. TBH. Oh, and my product photos have improved in my opinion.
Why did you name your blog "WistfulBeauty"?
The terminology of wistful is the longing for something. WistfulBeauty means the longing for beauty. This described me as a middle schooler. I got acne earlier than all my peers, so that left me self-conscious. All the rude shiz that people said and hell even certain relative got to me. When I started high school, I started to seriously get into skincare. Plus it sounded better than my previous blog name. OOF THAT WAS A PROCESS JUST TO TRY TO CHANGE IT.
Do you see yourself blogging for another year?
That's a stupid question. If you haven't gotten the vibes of this post, then yes. I hope that I will still have a passion for blogging even after high school and I do hope I post more frequently.
What do you hope to improve in your blogging?
There's too much to list. Getting better at using social media. (All Linked Below) Knowing how to flat layout 'cause those are gorgeous. Having better camera quality. ETC
What do you hope people get out of your blog?
Helpful tips/advice oh and appreciate my shining personality... ;) (pfft I'm an introvert)
What is your favorite post you did throughout the years and why?
The whole process of creating this post was enjoyable. From swatching makeup to the struggle of taking the "perfect photo" of this cleanser
Stalking fashion website actually became helpful. Lol. Take that parents who said I was wasting my life :')
Skin Food 101 was the first series I ever started on my blog. My favorite post I did from it was rice water. Rice= x3 Rice water was something incredible accessible to me as I eat/make it every day. It somehow made a chore more enjoyable. Plus I learned new ways on how to use rice water
What do you wish people did on your blog?
I get comments here and there though I wish there was more engagement. To be clearer, I wanna know if the post was helpful or if I should elaborate on certain things. This way I could help better my content.
What would you say to an inspiring blogger?
Don't do it for the wrong reason like money. Yes, I have ads in my blog but I bet more than 70% of you have ad-blocker and of that 30% who don't less than 1% will actually click. Thus why I'm a broke human. Instead of cash, do it cause you have a passion for blogging.
What would you say to your future self?