A Leap Into The Unknown

by - April 07, 2017

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and  curiosity keeps leading us down new paths" ~ Walt Disney"

*munches on Costco Caramel Pop-Corn*
*swivels around in chairs*
-Realization moment-
*Falls downs*

I've been wondering for "hours" on what should be the first post on this blog. Then I obviously lost my train of thought and headed over to Netflix to stream shows continuously at 12.34 AM which was a smart idea.  ✩꒳✩

I've finally decided on the very first post should be which is obviously on what this blog is centralized about and what contents I will be posting.

Now before I do that, let me tell you my opinion on what a blog means to me as a blogger.

A blog is something sacred. It's a diary which you can publically rant on about your days and make people perceive you as a really insane person or an educated human being. It's something that can shine the way into the blogger's soul and can be an escape from reality for those who are posting this content or simply reading it.

Now that's out of the way, I'll just explain what the heck I will be posting about.

Two contents I would like to include in this blog would be advice and awareness surrounding the events that occur in our backyard. Awareness such as cyber-bullying and some advice on how to deal with the situation, such as that based on my 14-years of living.

Another content that would or would not be included in this blog would be beauty and fashion. I might be doing reviews on skincare or beauty product. Some items might be high-end products or mid-end. I might even be posting some trends that I've been seeing and will explain the whole ideal of it.

Lastly, I'll be talking about my adolescent days otherwise refereed to as StoryTime. Who hasn't binge watched your favorite youtuber vlogs or Story-time Videos? I'm sure guilty of that, though I probably should do something productive like my Asian parent want. Let's just cause that a small rebellion. x-x

Thanks.Thanks, to the people that merely glanced at this posted and just scrolled down. We all know that everyone does that. I'll be posting weekly? It all depends on my schedule. Now I'm gonna devour this box of chocolate beside me, so adios!!!

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